KAUST - King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) is an international, graduate research university dedicated to advancing science and technology through interdisciplinary research, education, and innovation. Students, faculty, scientists, and engineers conduct fundamental and goal-oriented research to address the world’s pressing scientific and technological challenges related to water, food, energy, and the environment.
KAUST Discovery actively reports research that is at the heart of the University’s mission to enhance the welfare of society through special focus on food, water, energy and environment—four areas of global significance. Our stories reflect the journey our faculty, researchers and students are taking as they strive to grow edible crops in salty conditions, reuse precious water resources, maximize engine output and explore the Red Sea.
The website publishes stories weekly, and our award-wining magazine is published twice per year. We hope that both platforms provide you with opportunities to engage with our people and to learn about advances in their research. Enjoy reading these stories that tell of our journey to produce impactful research at KAUST through discovery and innovation.