Aging and Microbiome Conference 2024

Aging and Microbiome Conference 2024

Location: Jena

Jena. Scientists from around the world will meet in Jena from October 22nd to 23rd of this year for the Aging Microbiome Conference 2024 (AMC 2024). The organizers are Dr. Dario Riccardo Valenzano, Dr. Clara Correia-Melo, Dr. Melike Dönertas, and Dr. Katarzyna Winek from the Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI).

This conference will represent a new forum of discussion for current research findings and recent developments in basic research and clinical applications at the intersection between aging and microbiome research. The AMC 2024 will feature a keynote lecture by Dr. Meng Wang (HHMI Janelia Research Campus, US), as well as talks by Dr. Kai Blin (Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, Denmark), Dr. Filipe Cabreiro (CECAD Research Cluster, Germany), Dr. Maria Ermolaeva (FLI), Dr. Nassos Typas (European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Germany), and Dr. Maria Vehreschild (University Hospital Frankfurt, Germany).

The FLI has a unique novel research focus on microbiome and aging, with several research groups exploring the complex interactions between microorganisms and their host in various areas, such as health, nutrition, disease, and aging. "Microbes contribute to virtually all of our biological processes, including health, disease, and aging. However, we still know very little as to how this is exactly done and how to harness the microbiome to modulate aging to our benefit. The field of aging and the microbiome is emerging in the past few years as a new field of investigation, as it becomes ever clearer that by studying the role of the microbiome during aging we have a unique opportunity for both novel fundamental discoveries, as well as for effective interventions and therapeutics" says Scientific Director Dr. Dario Riccardo Valenzano. "The Aging Microbiome Conference is an opportunity we want to seize to create a platform for exchanging current research approaches and findings from various disciplines and colleagues from around the world”. And further: "Research thrives on exchange. We are looking forward to attracting to Jena scientists with diverse backgrounds skills . We are excited to welcome establish and early career scientist and to creating opportunities for interdisciplinary projects within the framework of this conference."

Registration for participation is now open. Further information and an overview of the program are summarized at the following link: Aging and Microbiome Conference 2024 (22-October 23, 2024): Overview · FLI Jena Indico (
Attached files
  • 2024gingandicrobiomeonferenceena.pdf
Regions: Europe, Germany, North America, United States
Keywords: Science, Life Sciences


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