BEEF2024 Open Day Launched

BEEF2024 Open Day Launched

26/06/2024 - 26/06/2024 Teagasc
Location: Grange, County Meath.
Address Teagasc, Animal & Grassland Research and Innovation Centre

Teagasc launched its major open day today for 2024 - BEEF2024 - which will take place on Wednesday, 26 June at the Teagasc, Animal & Grassland Research and Innovation Centre, Grange, County Meath.

FBD is once again the main sponsor of BEEF2024. The Open Day theme is “Securing your future”, and will display the technologies available to farmers to build sustainable cattle businesses for the years ahead. The full breadth of the Teagasc research programme relating to cattle and beef production will be highlighted.

Launching BEEF2024, Teagasc Director Professor Frank O Mara said; “The 26th of June will be a day not to be missed by anyone involved in cattle farming and the beef sector, at the Teagasc Grange research centre. The high performing suckler and dairy calf to beef herds located at Grange will be on display for all to see. The latest technologies, to assist farmers to play their part in addressing the environmental challenges of water quality, climate mitigation and biodiversity, will be highlighted. Our researchers, specialists and advisors will be on hand to discuss all this with farmers”

Michael Berkery, Chairman of FBD Trust said; “At FBD, we’re delighted to be partnering with Teagasc to support the Beef2024 Open Day in Grange. In what is a time of great change for Irish agriculture, we recognise the importance of events like this in fostering knowledge, innovation and collaboration within our farming community. Knowledge sharing and education around new technologies are critical to empower beef farmers to continue to build sustainable farm businesses.

After a long winter and difficult spring the Grange Open Day is an important opportunity to meet fellow farmers, industry representatives and to view the latest research on all aspects of grass and beef production.”

Speaking at the launch of BEEF2024, Dr Paul Crosson, Beef Enterprise Leader, Teagasc Grange, outlined the detailed plans for this major Open Day. He said; “The economic opportunities facing beef farmers will be addressed, with profitable systems of beef production demonstrated. Steps to improve labour efficiency and returns to the farmer for the hours worked will be addressed. The focus in the grassland village will be on both grass production and utilisation, but also on conserving high quality silage, in sufficient quantities for the winter.”

Pearse Kelly, Head of the Teagasc Drystock Knowledge Transfer Department said; “We want to encourage farmers to maximise weight gain from grazed grass, while making best use of available genetics to breed superior animals. The opportunities to establish red clover swards for silage and white clover in grass swards will be highlighted, to help farmers reduce their use of purchased Nitrogen fertiliser.

Attendees on the day will be addressed at the first two main stands before taking a journey through a series of ‘Technology Villages’ which will provide details on management practices for efficient beef production systems.

Live displays & demonstrations

There will be live displays in relation to low emissions slurry application, grazing management and health & safety throughout the day. There will be demonstrations in relation to the use of protected urea fertilizers, calibration of spreaders and farm infrastructure. Cow simulators will be used to demonstrate the principles of safe calving and handling of livestock. Cattle from the various suckler and dairy-beef studies at Grange will be on display. There will also be displays on calf rearing and anti-microbial & anthelmintic resistance.

Industry stakeholders and partners

Key industry stakeholders industry will be present in the AgTech Village. Additionally industry representatives including the Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine, the Irish Cattle Breeding Federation; Animal Health Ireland; Bord Bia; Meat Industry Ireland; Meat Technology Ireland and the Health & Safety Authority will be participating at the Open Day.

For more information visit and you can view our launch video on


26/06/2024 - 26/06/2024 Teagasc
Regions: Europe, Ireland
Keywords: Science, Agriculture & fishing, Business, Agriculture & fishing


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