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AlphaGalileo's global reach

AlphaGalileo extends your science news to the world

AlphaGalileo delivers a high–quality vetted media audience from around the world, whose members have asked to receive breaking research news from science, medicine, technology, arts, humanities, social sciences and industry.

And we extend our reach via social media to North America and Europe.

Used by journalists from around the World

Our media users are drawn from all the major global media groups plus hard to reach freelances. The UK, with the European offices of international media groups and the BBC, provides our largest audience. Germany, USA and France provide the next largest number of journalists, but we also include significant numbers of media users from China, Canada, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Latin America and Africa. 75 countries are represented in our media roster. 


Top 4 countries by numbers of journalists

United Kingdom 2,906

Germany 933

United States 771

France 532


Languages of our media users

English 55%

German 15%

French 10%

Others (Portuguese, etc) 20%


Typical topics that interest our media

Food 56%

Climate change 54%

Space science 53%

Medical & well being 50%

Nanotechnology 45%

Archaeology 39%


Primary work sectors for our media users

Online 48%

Print 38%

Broadcasting 14%



Amongst the publications and broadcasters we cover are The New York Times, Al Jazeera International, the News Agency of Nigeria, New Indian Express, ABC News Australia, Editora Globo - Brazil, The Times of India, the South African Broadcasting Company, and Al-Ahram – Egypt, Asahi Shimbun – Japan and the Korea Economic Daily.

Staff from the publishers of peer–reviewed journals include those from Elsevier, The Lancet, Mary Ann Liebert and Pensoft.


Delivering your news


AlphaGalileo is far more than just a web site. Our Service delivers news via email alerts, an RSS feed direct to journalists’ PCs and now journalists (and press officers) can keep up to date with breaking news whilst away from their desks. 

We send over 35 million email alerts to journalists each year. And last year, news on the site was downloaded 4.5 million times. 




Enjoy unlimited access
    • Economy $1,420.00
    • 12 month subscription
    • Unlimited posts
    • Web upload
    • Online editing
    • Online statistics for your items
    • Embargoed news
    • Email upload
    • Future posting
    • Micro-site
    • Campaign site
    • Advert
    • Press Pack
    • Subscribe today and start getting your news in front of the world’s media.
    • Standard $2,390.00
    • 12 month subscription
    • Unlimited posts
    • Web upload
    • Email upload
    • Future posting
    • Micro-site
    • Online editing
    • Online statistics for your items
    • Embargoed news
    • Campaign site
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    • Subscribe today and start getting your news in front of the world’s media.
    • PREMIUM $2,850.00
    • 12 month subscription
    • Unlimited posts
    • Web upload
    • Email upload
    • Future posting
    • Micro-site
    • Online editing
    • Online statistics for your items
    • Embargoed news
    • Campaign site
    • Advert
    • Press Pack
    • Subscribe today and start getting your news in front of the world’s media.

We Work Closely With...

  • BBC
  • The Times
  • National Geographic
  • The University of Edinburgh
  • University of Cambridge
  • iesResearch
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