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How the service works


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For research bodies - ensuring media coverage of research

Research bodies subscribed to AlphaGalileo use our service to promote their research worldwide to significantly increase their media coverage. By posting news onto our website, you can reach over 7,000 media professionals.

Press releases, event or publication announcements, library items and broadcast media posted on AlphaGalileo are published online and disseminated via email alerts and/or RSS feeds to registered journalists from all over the world.

News posted to AlphaGalileo is reviewed and, subject to approval, published on our website and sent out via email alerts to the world's media. The news that is not embargoed is also published on the public website.

Our team offer professional assistance to all users at every stage of the process.

For the world’s media - access to a reliable source of research news

On our secure media website, journalists registered with AlphaGalileo have constant access to the latest research news, including embargoed content. Media users can also receive the information via email alerts and RSS feeds. Our searchable database of organisations and background material offers further, and archived, material.


We Work Closely With...

  • BBC
  • The Times
  • National Geographic
  • The University of Edinburgh
  • University of Cambridge
  • iesResearch
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