Cubicle Housing for Dairy Stock Publication

Cubicle Housing for Dairy Stock Publication

07/08/2024 Teagasc
Titre de la publication: Cubicle Housing for Dairy Stock
Auteur: PR Department Teagasc
Type de publication: Autre

Teagasc has published a new booklet titled ‘Cubicle Housing for Dairy Stock’. It was presented to dairy farmers attending the Teagasc Dairy Open Day in Ballyhaise Agricultural College, County Cavan.

The booklet provides detailed information on all aspects of cubicle housing for dairy farmers. The authors of the booklet are Tom Fallon, Farm Buildings and Infrastructure Specialist with Teagasc and Francis Quigley, Teagasc Farm Machinery and Milking Machine Specialist.

Given that the vast majority of dairy cows in Ireland are housed over winter in cubicles, this booklet is a valuable contribution to the industry.

This booklet builds on the success of a Teagasc YouTube video titled ‘Cubicle Design for Dairy Cows’ published by Teagasc ten years ago.

It’s a must read for any farmers thinking of adapting existing, or building new winter accommodation for dairy cows.

Tom Fallon said; “Cubicles are by far the housing system of choice for dairy cows in Ireland. It is important to think long term because cubicle houses are typically in operation for over 40 years. Most farmers appreciate the importance of providing adequate space in the passageways of cubicle houses. It is also important to meet the needs of cows by providing adequately sized cubicles and avoiding the temptation of trying to squeeze too many cubicles into new sheds”.

Cubicle housing needs to meet three key parameters: adequate space per cow, comfortable and clean cubicles and provide adequate feed space per cow. There needs to be at least one cubicle space available per cow.

The booklet can be viewed at

Video ‘Cubicle Design for Dairy Cows’ can be viewed at:


07/08/2024 Teagasc
Regions: Europe, Ireland
Keywords: Science, Agriculture & fishing

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