01/08/2024 - The European Forest Institute (EFI) is launching two new grant calls, under the FORWARDS project, to enhance climate impact monitoring in European forests.
Grant call 1: Climate Impact Monitoring Pilots
Reference: G-06-2024
EFI invites proposals to set up pilots for long-term climate impact forest monitoring sites across Europe. The goal is to improve existing networks, such as ICP Forests, ICOS, and LTER sites, to assess climate change impacts. Up to €145,000 is available per grant, with five grants to be awarded. Duration: 18 months.
Grant call 2: Linking Ground-Based Monitoring and Remote Sensing
Reference: G-05-2024
This call focuses on linking forest monitoring sites with remote sensing technologies to enhance climate impact assessments. Two grants of up to €145,000 each are available. Duration: 18 months.
Application Details
Detailed guidelines and application information are available on the EFI website:
Contact Information
European Forest Institute communications office email: communications@efi.int Phone: +358 10 773 4300